In the spring of 2023, I worked as a 3D designer on the NASA Gamification of Astronaut Balance Training in collaboration with a team of engineers and game designers at RIT as part of the X-HAB M2M Academic Innovation Challenge. The team developed a VR game-like experience to train and monitor various sensorimotor capabilities, including sense of balance, of astronauts before, during, and after spending extended periods of time in zero to low gravity. The VR element was utilized in addition to two physical methods. The goal of each was to remain balanced while dodging obstacles and collecting gems.
I was responsible for creating low-poly 3D models and textures for use in the VR environment. One of the main focuses of the project was for it to be more enjoyable to participants than traditional methods of testing and monitoring. In order to achieve this, the level environments were styled as if the participant were exploring a jungle.
At this time, I am currently unable to share images of the final levels.​​​​​​​
Software: Blender, Substance Painter, & Unity
River Run & Puzzling Times
The first level was called, "River Run," and involves the participant floating down a river attempting to dodge obstacles, including trees, rocks, and hippos. The second level was called, "Puzzling Times," and the participant is inside of a temple and has to move between floor tiles and attempt to dodge sudden obstacles, such as arrows shooting from the walls. To the left and below are the assets I developed for both of these levels.
Tree Obstacle
Tree Obstacle
Pillar Obstacle
Pillar Obstacle
Hippo Figurine
Hippo Figurine
Tree Frog & Poison Dart Frog
Tree Frog & Poison Dart Frog
Minecart Escape
The third level was called, "Minecart Escape," where the participant is in a minecart and has to maintain their balance while attempting to dodge obstacles, including stalactites, stalagmites, and broken tracks. For "Minecart Escape", we also incorporated a sensory overload element meant to overwhelm the participant's vision, which included a swarm of bats flying towards them or explosions.
Stalactites & Stalagmites
Stalactites & Stalagmites
Wooden Planks
Wooden Planks
Minecart Tracks
Minecart Tracks
Project Patch
In addition to developing 3D assets, I also created a mission patch incorporating the project's purposes and names of team members. The patch was utilized in project documents, including presentations and documentation, as well as was turned into stickers, buttons, and physical patches.
I took inspiration from the placement of the sensors utilized in PLANETs for the star person and included the moon and Mars since this project was a result of the X-HAB Moons to Mars Academic Innovation Challenge. The overall patch design and additional elements were inspired by past NASA mission patches.
In April 2023, the team and I visited the Johnson Space Center in Houston to present the project to NASA's Human Health and Performance department as well as displayed the project at Imagine RIT. In the image on the right, we had the privilege of meeting Joe Acaba (left) and Shannon Walker (right). 

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